Kennedy’s Death & Healthcare Reform

After reading CNN’s Cafferty File report  [see link below] posing the question “Can Sen. Kennedys’ death bring bipartisanship to health care?” and a couple hundred other liberal media lemmings worshipping at the altar of the Democrat party talking points,  it looks like it’s time to dust the cobwebs off this site and add a word or two.

Let’s start with a few questions of our own.  Like… “Are you kidding me???” 


 “Where’s my emesis basin???”  [that’s barf bucket for you idiots on the far left].

Or how about,

“Could we possibly be more disgustingly ingratiating and blatant in exploiting a dead man?”

Come on people, or Democrat sheep disguising yourself as people, Teddy Kennedy was a noxious drunk, a sexual deviant and an unrepentant murderer posing as a U.S. Senator.  The world became a better place the moment he assumed room temperature.

For the media to attempt to gloss over his despicable character and promote Kennedy as a hero is akin to posthumously promoting Michael Jackson as a champion for the defense of little boys’ virginity.

The ONLY thing worse than trying to lionize Teddy Kennedy is the puerile and vulgar attempt to shame the Republican legislators into going along with the railroading of socialized medicine down the throats of Thinking Americans all in the name of Honoring this Fable.  

If we really want to honor Teddy Kennedy, let’s ask for a nationwide moment of silence at every liquor store, rape crisis center, and bridge across any body of water in America. 

That’s more than he deserves.

A shining example of the Dems shameless exploitation…

~ by wheresthehope on August 28, 2009.

One Response to “Kennedy’s Death & Healthcare Reform”

  1. Profound. And freaking hilarious.

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